
Senior KG

Senior K.G - 5 to 6 years.

Our comprehensive kindergarten senior curriculum challenges children and supports all areas of development. The child of this age is well aware, has reasoning, and has the power of expression and taking instructions to the best of ability. The curriculum is designed on the scientific format which creates interest to go ahead with unknown to known concept, area of geography, history,language,art and music has been incorporated. To develop analytically, self expression, self find, self experimenting has major role in the education system. Language Hindi is being taught to read and write.

Our aim is to give every child back their childhood ,the free feeling of joy and happiness where restrictions and rules are based on educative learning , leading to all round personality development .

  • Building & enhancing vocabulary
  • Developing attention span
  • Free play with Technology Corner
  • Public speaking
  • Puppet shows and skits
  • Personal Social and Emotional Development
  • Cognitive development
  • Theme based Concept Time
  • Language and Phonics
  • Inculcating Life-long learning skills
  • Opportunities for development of aesthetic sense
  • Story Time, Art & Drawning, Creative Time & Field Trips
  • Promoting cognitive development
  • And Many More...